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Before moving to an Adelaide Hills lifestyle farm, listen to Belle and Pods on FIVEaa with Richard Pascoe

The Adelaide Techguy, Richard Pascoe, does a dynamic show on Adelaide’s FIVEaa and in his mix of interviews he asked us to discuss things to consider before moving to an Adelaide Hills lifestyle farm.

You can hear the interview, in full, below, but the main talking points we planned for the segment were as follows.

3 things you need to think about before moving to and Adelaide Hills lifestyle farm

Firstly, we had three main points we wanted to cover:

  1. What do you want to do with your property? Do you want to grow crops or raise animals – and do you want to do that for your own pleasure or to sell. These will all need different types of land (some okay with steep, some not, some okay with rocks, some not) and different types of shed equipment and fences. This is something we’re often asked to help with; Adelaide Hills farm planning and advice.
  2. You need to think about bushfire season all year around. What does this mean? How can you pace yourself?
  3. And it’s one thing to have neighbours in Adelaide but on the land you have to make sure weeds or sprays or animals go into neighbours properties. And different activities bring attention from different government departments and agencies.

2 things that can undermine the success of your Adelaide Hills lifestyle property

There were also a couple of important notes we think you should be aware of before embarking on your adventure with your Adelaide Hills lifestyle property, namely:

  1. It’s all about relationships. Living in the Adelaide Hills means moving to a place where community is still key. Therefore, getting to know your local ag supply and hardware sellers, and your local contractors, can make a world of difference. This is because they are often booked well in advance but by building your relationships up front, you’ll be comfortable calling upon their help in emergencies and they’ll be readily familiar with you and your property.
  2. Make sure you’re good with pushing yourself out the door on cold, rainy days. Farming waits for nobody so you have to be ready – rain, snow, or shine. This is brought home hilariously in the book, A Year In The Mud And The Toast And The Tears by Georgie Brooks.

Let the Adelaide Hills Farmcast be your farming companion

We did give a plug to our podcast, the Adelaide Hills Farmcast, because through its different episodes each month we can lead you through some timely tasks that are best done in that 4-6 week period, so you stay on top of things. For example, we had a wonderful caller ask about blackberry weed control and Pods was able to explain that there are times in the year when spraying them will be ineffective, and times when you should strike. As an aside, blackberries will feature in our October and November episodes.

Here is the interview. Many thanks to Richard for asking us.

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