In the Adelaide Hills Farmcast August Edition, Belle Baker looks at farming jobs Adelaide Hills lifestyle farmers should be planning for in the coming months.
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00:30 Adelaide Hills Farmcast August Edition
02:19 Adelaide Hills Farm Almanac / Farm Calendar

- Even shedding sheep can benefit from crutching. There are a number of shearing contractors in the Adelaide Hills. And I hear Jono’s Sheep Shearing Services have recently upgraded their shearing trailer.He could be worth a call before everyone finds out!If you plan to keep sheep for the long term it may be worthwhile investing in a hand held shearing handpiece. You can buy them online or talk to your local reseller.
- Check out the Sa Junior Heifer Expo here. It’s a fabulous annual event for 8-24 year old cattle enthusiasts.
- The days are getting a little longer and the sun is shining a little more. Spraying Capeweed is back on the agenda.
- If you’re planing on cutting hay this year its time to lock up your pastures. But if you’d rather spare yourself the expense of making meadow hay, the best way to find good quality hay for your stock is to contact your local reseller. They may have some in stock or will be able to give you the contact details of a commercial grower.
Solar irrigation system being set up by Irrigation Pumps And More It’s always best to check and maintain your infrastructure before you need it. Your pumps have a lot of moving parts and if they break down in summer you could have difficulty getting a technician out to do repairs when you need them.If you’ve got an older system, you may consider upgrading to an irritation system that can be automated and monitored on your smart phone. We’ve recently done some work with Irrigation Pumps and More at Totness. Their knowledge and range of products is terrific – we’d definitely recommend you talk to them about your options.
10:04 Farmcast Interview: Kiera Campagnola and Sarah Truan talk with Belle Baker